
Hi! I’m Megan & I’m the heart and hands behind Canyon Wren Designs. A wise person once said that “if you’re hearing canyon wrens, you must be doing something right.” I was sitting next to the Green River in Desolation Canyon on my first rafting trip, and that statement has always rang true to me. ✨
I’m inspired by mountains and walking long distances with a heavy pack, by whitewater and bright stars set against canyon walls, by desert plants and big rocks. I’m inspired by people and how far they can go, how creative and resilient they are. I like to eat pizza on the chairlift in the morning. I love watching small beads come together to create something bigger. I’ve never been good at calling just one place home, I fall in love easily with every new place I go. ✨
I want to make earrings that emanate the feeling of falling in love with a new place, of being brave and taking the first step into the unknown. I want to make jewelry that will reminds me of how I felt in that particular moment, on that trail, in that rapid, underneath that sunset, sitting around a campfire with cheap beer and good people. I want to make earrings that you feel confident and brave in. I want them to remind you how far you’ve come and all the wonderful places you’re going. I want to make jewelry that reminds you of sunshine, picnics next to rivers, ponderosa pine forests, cacti that grow in the most unlikely of places, the sea, wildflowers, and the Grand Canyon. ✨
I love wearing big earrings while doing big (and little) things outside. I want to make earrings you can climb in, backpack in, swim in alpine lakes in, pitch a tent in, garden in, and cook pancakes outside in. I want to make earrings for the quiet days too. I want to make earrings for you✨